Proceedings. Round table on the extension of social protection to marginal groups un rural zones

368.40631 / M372r.e 1984i

Mesa Redonda sobre la Extensión de la Protección Social a los Grupos Marginados de las Zonas Rurales (Oaxtepec, Morelos, México : 13 al 16 de noviembre, 1984)

Proceedings. Round table on the extension of social protection to marginal groups un rural zones / pres. de Ricardo García Sáinz ; pról. de Emilio Rabasa Gamboa.. -- México: Secretaría General. Departamento de Asuntos Internacionales: AISS: IMSS, 1985. xii, 430 p. ; 21 cm.

Titulo en español: Memoria: Mesa redonda sobre la Extensión de la Protección Social a los grupos marginados de las zonas rurales.
Título en inglés: Proceedings. Round Table on the Extension of Social Protection to Marginal groups in rural zones

Organizing Committee Report / Emilio Rabasa Gamboa. Welcome address by the IMSS Director General / Ricardo García Sáinz. Words addressed by ISSA's Secretary General / Vladimir Rys. Opening Speech by the Secretary of Health / Guillermo Soberón Acevedo. International organizations and social security for rural marginal groups. The international problem of social protection of marginal groups in rural areas / Mallet.
Interamerican Social Security Conference actions in the promotion of social protection to rural populations / Gastón Novelo. CIESS and the extension of social security to rural marginal groups / Emilio Rabasa Gamboa.
Integral health care model of the social solidarity by community cooperation IMSS-COPLAMAR Program / General Coordination of the Social Solidarity by Community Cooperation Program.
National experiences on social protection to marginal groups in rural areas. The situation of marginal groups in Egyptian rural societies / Khalil Mancy. The extension of social protection to marginal groups in Egypt's rural regions / Noshy Abbas Ramadan, Korea. Yeon Ha-Cheong. Monograph on the situation of marginal groups in rural India / S. Ramaswamy. The extension of social protection to marginal groups in rural areas / Nicolay Trofimiouk, USSR. Social protection for rural marginals in Spain / Felipe García Ortiz. Monograph on the rural marginal groups in Cameroon / Epée Née Kotto Mouyema, Honorée Denise. Monograph on the rural marginal groups in Ivory Coast / Paul Lambin, Ivory Coast. The extension of social protection in Gabon: consolidating the development process / Jean Victor Gruat, Gabon. On the extension of protection to marginal groups in the rural areas of Cuba / Félix Argüelles Varcárcel. General introduction to primary health care experiences in rural areas in China / Yunfu Song. National experience about social protection in Saint Lucia / Clendon Haves Mason. Government Indian Health Service. A comprehensive health care program of the United States of America / Jimmy Mitchel. John G. Todd.
General report. Closing ceremony / ISSA's Secretary General Vladimir Rys. Closing address by IMSS Director General / Ricardo García Sáinz. List of participants.


Seguridad social--Campesinos.--Congresos
Solidaridad social--Congresos