Epidemic disease in Mexico City 1761-1813. An administrative, social, and medical study

614.490972 / C242e 1965

Cooper, Donald B.

Epidemic disease in Mexico City 1761-1813. An administrative, social, and medical study / D. B. Cooper. -- Austin: University of Texas. Institute of Latin American Studies, 1965. xi, 236 p. ; 23 cm.

Título en español: Las epidemias en la ciudad de México 1761-1813.

Bibliografía p. 201-214.

Part I: The backgroud. Menacing Natural Environment. Public-Health Administration. The Ayuntamiento. The Protomedicato. The Viceroy. The Audiencia. The Church. Part II The five epidemics. Typhus and Smallpox: Partners in Death (1761-1762). Inoculation: Rej ected Lifesaver ( 1779-1780). Sickness in a Time of Famine (1784-1787). Smallpox: WordofTerror (1797-1798). Early Reports of Smallpox, The Threat Draws Closer. Preparations for an Impending Crisis. The Epidemic Begins. The Chief Council of Charity in Command. A Glance at the Monterrey Outbreak. Final Report of the Chief Council of Charity. The Year of Mysterious Fevers (1813). Conclusions. Part III: The cycle of sckiness.

Epidemias--México (Ciudad)
