Social security programs throughout the world. 1985

368.4 / E582s 1985

E.U.A. Department of Health and Human Services Social Security Administration

Social security programs throughout the world. 1985 / pról. de Elizabeth K. Singleton. -- Washington: SSA. Office of Research, Statistics, and International Policy, 1986. xxxii, 285 p. ; 30 cm. (Research report 60)

SSA publication No. 13-11805

Guide. Format of Program Summaries .- Types of Programs Covered by Report - Old-age, Invalidity, and Survivor Programs - Sickness and Maternity Programs - Work-injury Programs - Unemployment Benefit Programs - Family Allowances - Note to the Reader. Trends and developments. General Overview - New Branches and Program Changes - Adjustment Mechanism and Indexing - Benefit Formula - Retirement Age - Retirement Test - Invalidity Pension Coverage - Medica! Care and Health Insurance - Unemployment Benefits - Family Allowances - Equal Treatment Under Social Security.


Seguridad social--África--1985
Seguridad social--América--1985
Seguridad social--Asia--1985