Can social work survive?

361 / B258c

Brewer, Colin

Can social work survive? / Colin Brewer and June Lait. -- London: Temple Smith, 1980. 237 p. ; 22 cm.

Bibliografía p. 213-222 e índices.

1 Beginnings: social work. medicine and training until seebohm. 2 A closer look at training.3 Social work after seebohm. 4 Social work and the mentally III. 5 Bureaucrat, psychotherapist or child-minder?. 6 Radicalism in social work. 7 Private practice in social work.8 Some facts of therapeutic life. 9 Controlled stdies of the impac and effectiveness of social work. 10 Ineffectiveness and the psychodynamic legacy. 11 What is to be done?


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