Social security in the U.S.S.R.

368.40947 / A765s

Aralov, V.

Social security in the U.S.S.R. / V. Aralov y Levshin. -- Moscow: Foreing Languages Publishing House, 197?. 71 p. ; 19 cm.

Introduction. The structure of the social-security system pensions. Old-age pensions. Disability pensions. Pensions for families who have lost the bread-winner. Pensions for scientists. Pensions for authors, composers and artists. Long-servíce pensions -- homes for the aged and the disabled. Prosthesis -- work for the disabled -- state grants and allowances for mothers -- social security for collective farmers. State pensions for collective farmers. Pensions to collective farmers provided by the farms. Social security and the public -- the programme of the c.p.s.u. For the development of social security.

Seguridad social--Rusia