Preliminary program

368.40631 / C749a 1969 V.42i

Congreso Americano de Medicina de la Seguridad Social (1: México, D.F. : 19 al 25 de enero, 1969)

Preliminary program / American Congress of Social Security Medicine, First International Assembly. -- México: CISS: IMSS, 1969. 14, [1] h. ; 28 cm.

002607 Título en español: Programa preliminar Convoked by: The permanent Interamerican Committee of Social Security; The Regional American Medical Social Committee. Auspiced by: The Mexican Institute of Social Security.

Guest international organizations - Organization committees - Objectives - General program of activities - I Social medical subjects. II Medical and scientific. III Exposition. IV Special meetings - Activities - Other activities - Languages - Delegates - Registration - Social and cultural activities - Tours and hotels - To request information - Annex.

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Programas de actividades en la seguridad social
Seguridad social--Congresos

Conferencia Interamericana de Seguridad Social. Comité Permanente Interamericano de Seguridad Social.
Comisión Americana Médico Social.
Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social.