Social security in the nordic countries. Scope, expenditure and financing 1981
368.40940 / N449s 1984
Nordiska Statistiska Sekretariatet
Social security in the nordic countries. Scope, expenditure and financing 1981 / pref. Comité Nórdico. -- Helsinki: NSS, 1984. 187 p. : gráficas; 24 cm. (Nordisk statistik skriftserie 44(Statistical Reports of the Nordic Countries 44)
Principal findings and general comments in the comparative statistics - Population, employment and unemployment - Cash benefits - Services - The development and financing of social security expenditure.
Seguridad social--Finlandia
Seguridad social--Islandia
Seguridad social--Noruega
Seguridad social--Suecia
Seguridad social--Dinamarca
Nordic Statistical Secretariat.