Performance indicators for hospital management in the Mexican Institute of Social Security

614.0972 / D357p 1992

Delgado Izazola, Ana Luz

Performance indicators for hospital management in the Mexican Institute of Social Security / Ana Delgado. -- Birmingham: Health Services Management Center. School of Public Policy, 1992. 340 h. : il.; 28 cm.

A thesls submitted to the Faculty of Commerce and Social Science of the University of Birmingham for the degree of Master of Social Sciences (Mode 11, by Research)

Bibliografía p.336-340.

1. Introduction. Current Concern with World Health Problems. The stimulus far the study. Chapters outline. 2. Health and social security. Mexico's National Health Policy. Social Security and Health Care Services in Mexico. 3 An exploration approach to the reserach. lnteramerican Conference on Social Security. Aims and Activities. A discussion of Performance and Performance lndicators. Performance Definition. Background: Why use Performance lndicators? Models of Performance lndicators. Classification of Performance lndicators. Origins of Performance lndicators. Comparative and Non-Comparative lndicators. Levels of Comparison. Uses of Performance lndicators. Criticism and Problems of Performance lndicators. Problems with indicators. Answers to these problems. 4. Setting up the stydy. Objectives. IMSS Organizational Structure. 5. Metholody. Starting the research. Population. Background to the Source lnformation. Data Input. Classification of indicators. Developing of the Performance lndicators Package. 6. Analysis of indicators. Objectives. Presentation of the indicators. Histograms. Profiles. Scattergrams. Criticism of Pis Presentation. Analysis of IMSS Clinical Performance lndicators. Hospital level analysis. Delegation level analysis. 7. Conclusions and proporals for further developemnt. Appendices. l. Source Data. II. Description of Performance lndicators and Histograms.


Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social--Indicadores

Salud pública--México
Seguridad social--México