Organizations. Behavior, structure, processes

658.4 / G578o 1994

Gibson, James L.

Organizations. Behavior, structure, processes / James L. Gibson, John M. Ivancevich, James H. Donnelly. -- - 8a ed. Illinois: Irwin, 1994. xxvi, 802 p. : cuadros; 26 cm.

1 The study of organizations. 2 Managin individual. 3 Globalization. 4 Individual behavior and differences. 5 Motivation. 6. Motivation: process. 7 Evaluationg. 8 Stress and the indivdual. 9 Group behavior. 10 Intergroup behavior. 11 Power and politics. 13 Leadership. 14 Organization strucuture. 15 Job desgin. 16 Organizational design.


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