Social Security in Austria according to legal provisions in force in the middle of 1966

368.409436 / A857s 1966

Austria. National Federation of Austrian Social Insurance Institutions

Social Security in Austria according to legal provisions in force in the middle of 1966 . -- Austria, NFASII. 158 p. : fotos byn; 21 cm.

A The general social security scheme. Benefits in sickness insurance, in accident insurance, in pension insurance, Financing of the general scheme of social security. B Special schemes. Unemployment insurance. Social security of public law employees. , of self employed workers. Family allowances, birth grants, rents allowances. Provision for war victims. Assitance to the victims of the struggle for freedom and democracy in Austria.

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Seguridad Social--Austria

Austria. Hauptverband der osterreichischen Sozialversicherungrträger.