2000 report and 2001 program of the Secretariat General
368.40631 / C238r.44d
Conferencia Interamericana de Seguridad Social. Comité Permanente Interamericano de Seguridad Social. Reunión (44: San José, Costa Rica : 23 al 27 de octubre, 2000)
2000 report and 2001 program of the Secretariat General / María Elvira Contreras. -- México: CISS: ISSA, 2000. 25 p. ; 28 cm. (XLIV CPISS/SG/CR.00/2)
XLIV Meeting of the CPISS.
VIII American Regional Conference of the ISSA".
"Toward optimizations and universalization of social security"
I. XLIII CPISS Meeting. II. Development of substantive programs. Meetings of the CISS. Activities at Directive Level. Technical Horizontal Cooperation Program. Presence and Constant Updating of the Secretariat General in Research and Analysis Fora. Editorial Program. CISS' Constitution and Bylaws Revising Commíssion. III. Financial and budget aspecto. Results of the 1999 Budget. Budgetary Comparison and Fiscal Exercise for the period January-September 2000. Budgetary Proposal for the year 2001. IV. CISS Members. New Members Affiliation. Members Disaffiliation. V. Relationship with international agencies. VI ¨Program for the year 2001.
Conferencia Interamericana de Seguridad Social--Informes--2000
Asociaciones, instituciones, etc.
Programas de actividades en la seguridad social--2001
Asociación Internacional de la Seguridad Social.