Social budgeting

368.4 / O7331q.m.s

Scholz, Wolfgang

Social budgeting / Wolfgang Scholz; Michael Cichon and Krzysztof Hagemejer. -- Switzerland: ILO: ISSA, 2000. 328 p. : il.; 25 cm. (Quantitative methods in social protection series)

1 Where do we want to go? Part II Designing a social accounting system. 2 Introduction. 3 Methodology and database. 4 Bringing all options together: Blueprints for the table structure of a social accounting system. 5 A work routine for data compilation. 6 The United Nations System of National Accounts (SNA) and its links to a social accounting system. 7 The social accounting system and other statistical data systems related to social protection finances. Part III The Social Budget. 8 Modelling expenditure and revenue. 9 Case studies of Panama and Ukraine. 10 Intended messages


Seguridad social--Finanzas
Seguridad social--Contabilidad

Scholz, Wolfgang, coaut.
Hagemejer, Krzysztof, coaut.
Cichon, Michael, (1953-2022) coaut.