Report on the activities of CIESS from January through November 1999.

374.9172 / C163i 1999-11i

Centro Interamericano de Estudios de Seguridad Social "Jesús Reyes Heroles". México

Report on the activities of CIESS from January through November 1999. / Luis José Martínez Villalba. -- México: CIESS, 1999. 57 p. : il.; 28 cm.

Meetiong of the social security Inter-American Conference and its actions organs.
Título en español: Informe de actividades del CIESS realizadas de enero a noviembre de 1999.

Introduction. Academic activities. Special considerations on certain activities. Academic activities scheduled for the year 2000. Relationships with other Organizations. Relevant aspects at the Administrative level. Final considerations.

Centro Interamericano de Estudios de Seguridad Social. México--Informes--1999

Programas de actividades en la seguridad social--1999