Pension funds in infrastructure project finance: regulations and instrument design

331.252 / V219p

Vives, Antonio

Pension funds in infrastructure project finance: regulations and instrument design / Antonio Vives. -- USA: Inter-American Development Bank, 2000. 20 p. : cuadros; 28 cm. (Sustainable Development Department Technical Papers Series IFM-110)

Título en español Los fondos de pensiones en el financiamiento privado de proyectos de infraestructura: diseño de regulaciones e instrumentos.

Bibliografía p. 18-19

Introduction. Private Pension Fund Investments in Latin America
Investment Regulations. Private Participation In Infraestructure. What Do Infraestructure Investments Offer. Compatibility Betwen Infraestructure Investements and Pension Fund Portfolios. Changes in the Regulatory Environment. Implications for Other and Other Investments. Concluding Remarks.
