What difference do unions make?: their impact on productivity and wages in Latin America

331.88 / W452

Kuhn, Peter

What difference do unions make?: their impact on productivity and wages in Latin America / Peter Kuhn; ed. Gustavo Márquez. -- U.S.A: Inter-American Development Bank, 2005. 249 p. ; 24 cm. (Research department technical series. Latin American research network)

1. The Economic Effects of Unions in Latin America / Peter Kuhn and Gustavo Márquez. 2. An Empirical Examination of Union Density in Six Countries: Canada, Ecuador, Mexico, Nicaragua, the United States, and Venezuela / Susan Johnson. 3. Union Density Changes and Union Effects on Firm Performance in Peru / Jaime Saavedra and Máximo Torero. 4. Unions and the Economic Performance of Brazilian Establishments / Naercio Menezes-Filho, Helio Zylberstajn, Jose Paulo Chahad and Elaine Pazello. Chapter 5. The Economic Effects of Unions in Latin America: Their Impact on Wages and the Economic Performance of Firms in Uruguay / Adriana Cassoni, Gaston J. Labadie and Gabriela Fachola. 6. The Effects of Unions on Productivity: Evidence from Large Coffee Producers in Guatemala / Carmen Urízar H. and Sigfrido Lée. 7. Teacher Unionization and the Quality of Education in Peru: an Empirical Evaluation Using Survey Data / Eduardo Zegarra and Renato Ravina . 8. The Economic Effects of Unions in Latin America: teachers’ Unions and Education in Argentina / M. Victoria Murillo, Mariano Tommasi, Lucas Ronconi and Juan Sanguinetti.


América Latina--Aspectos económicos