Mexico - United States migration: regional and state overview

325.2720973 / Z95me 2006

Zúñiga Herrera, Elena

Mexico - United States migration: regional and state overview / Elena Zúñiga Herrera, Paulta Leite Neves, Luis Acevedo Prieto. -- México: Consejo Nacional de Población (CONAPO): Secretaría de Gobernación (SEGOB), 2006. 233 p. : tablas, gráficas, mapas; 28 cm.

I. Trends and characteristics migration in the US. II.Origin and destination of recent mexican migration to the US. III. Mexicans resident the United Sstates. IV. Households of mexicans living in the US. V. Final considerations.


México--Migración e inmigración--Estados Unidos