The impact of training policies in Latin America and the Caribbean: the case of programa joven
338.61 / R573 N.483
Aedo, Cristián
The impact of training policies in Latin America and the Caribbean: the case of programa joven / Cristián Aedo, Sergio Núñez. -- U.S.A: BID: Red de Centros de Investigación, 2004. 49 p. : il.; 28 cm. (Research network working paper R-483)
INACAp. Graduate Program in Economics. ILADES Georgetown University.
Bibliografía p. 34-35.
1. Introduction. 2. Description of Programa Joven. 3. Description of the Data. Universe Information: Data on “Acreditados”. Sample Information: Data on Beneficiaries and Comparisons. 4. Program Participation. Determinants. Strategic Behavior. 5. Estimation of Program Participation (Propensity Scores). Universe Information (PSTOT). Universe and Sample (PSUN). Sample (PSMU). A Comparison of the Propensity Score Estimates. Determining A Common Support. 6. Impact Estimates: Labor Earnings and Employment. Labor Earnings. Employment. 7. Cost-Benefit Analysis.
Programa Joven (Argentina)--Evaluación
Núñez, Sergio,
Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo.
Inter-American Development Bank.