Mexico: economic growth exports and industrial performance after NAFTA

330 / N313s.e.p.42

Moreno-Brid, Juan Carlos

Mexico: economic growth exports and industrial performance after NAFTA / Juan Carlos Moreno-Brid, Juan Carlos Rivas Valdivia, Jesús Santamaría. -- México: CEPAL; Economic Development Unit, 2005. 36 p. ; 28 cm. (Estudios y perspectivas 42)

Bibliografía p. 31-33.

I. Mexico's industrial policy and economic performance under import substitution (1940 - 1984) II. The road to NAFTA: unilateral trade liberalization and foreign investment deregulation (1985 - 1994) III. NAFTA: putting Mexico on an export-led growt path? IV NAFTA and manufacturing: some stylez facts concerning foreign trade and economic growth performance.


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