World of Work Report 2014: developing with jobs

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World of Work Report 2014: developing with jobs / prefacio Guy Ryder. -- - 2a ed. corrg y aum. Switzerland: International Labour Office, 2014. xxiii, 206 p. : cuadros; 28 cm.

Titulo en español: Informe Sobre el Trabajo en el Mundo 2014

1. Introduction and structure of the report: Global context. and employment and social trends in the developing world. PART I. Jobs as drivers of development. 2. Growth patterns in developing countries. 3. Employment patterns and their link with economic development. 4. Decomposing growth patterns: The roles of investment, consumption, government expenditure, exports and education. PART II. Policies for developing with jobs 5. Productive transformation, decent work and development. 6. Labour and social protection institutions: Recent trends and impact on development. 7. Social protection, living standards and economic development: Overview of trends and assessment of policies. 8. Does income distribution matter for development? Trends in labour share of income and their economic impacts in developing countries. 9. International migration and development.

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