Annual review 2015/16

368.40631 / A824inf 2016i

International Social Security Association

Annual review 2015/16 / pres. Errol Frank Stoové, Hans-Horst Konkolewsky. -- Geneva: ISSA, 2016. 26 p. : il.; 30 cm.

Tíitulo en español: Informe anual 2015-2016

Promotion of excellence in the administration of social security. International guidelines in the field of social security. Social security and digital transformation. Actuarial work and social security: anticipate the risks, ensure sustainability. The ISSA in the world. A decade of opportunities for the Asia-Pacific region. Social security as the fundamental engine of positive social change in the Americas.


Asociación Internacional de la Seguridad Social--Informes--2016

Seguridad social--Asociaciones, instituciones, etc.--2016