World Social Protection Report 2020-22: social protection at the crossroads – in pursuit of a better future

368.4 / O733wo 2020

Organización Internacional del Trabajo

World Social Protection Report 2020-22: social protection at the crossroads – in pursuit of a better future / pref. Guy Ryder. -- Suiza: OIT, 2021. 315 p. : cuadros; 28 cm.

Título en español: Informe Mundial sobre la Protección Social 2020–2022: la protección social en la encrucijada: en busca de un futuro mejor.

Bibliografía p. 291-315.

1. Social protection at the crossroads: The COVID-19 response and the road to recovery. 2. The pre-COVID-19 situation: Some progress made, but significant gaps remain. 3. Social protection during the COVID-19 crisis and recovery. 4. Strengthening social protection for all throughout the life course. 5. Shaping the future of social protection.

9789220319499 9789220319505 (PDF)

Seguridad social--2017--Estadísticas
COVID-19 (Enfermedad)--Aspectos sociales

International Labour Office.