Latin american economic outlook 2021: working together for a better recovery

338.5 / L357 2021

Latin american economic outlook 2021: working together for a better recovery / pres. Alicia Bárcena, Sergio Díaz‑Granados, Mathias Cormann, Jutta Urpilainen. -- USA: OCDE: CEPAL: Naciones Unidas: Banco de Desarrollo de América Latina, 2021. 271 p. : il.; 28 cm.

Título en español: Perspectivas Económicas de América Latina (LEO) 2021: avanzando juntos hacia una mejor recuperación.

Bibliografía p. 271-272.

Overview: Working together for a strong, sustainable and inclusive recovery in Latin America and the Caribbean. 1. Structural macro perspective and the path to recovery. r 2. Social challenges and lessons for an inclusive recovery. 3. Regional integration and productive transformation for a resilient recovery. r 4. Rethinking the social contract in Latin America and the Caribbean. r 5. International co-operation for the recovery: Facilitating a new social contract in LAC. r 6. Special feature: The Caribbean.

9789264639836 9789264682313 (PDF)

2072-5159 2072-5140 (PDF)

América Latina--2021--Estadísticas