Extending social health protection: Accelerating progress towards Universal Health Coverage in Asia and the Pacific
368.4095 / E968s 2021
Extending social health protection: Accelerating progress towards Universal Health Coverage in Asia and the Pacific / pref. Chihoko Asada-Miyakawa, Shahrashoub Razavi. -- Bangkok: OIT, 2021. xxiv, 356 p. : il.; 28 cm.
1. Extending population coverage and leaving no one behind. 2. Ensuring adequacy of benefits. 3. Creating institutional arangements that foster equity and effective access to quality services. 4. Financing social health protection. Country profiles: Bangladesh. Brunei. Darussalam. Cambodia. China. Fiji. India. Indonesia. Japan. The Republic of Korea. Lao People’s Democratic Republic. Malaysia. Mongolia. Myanmar. Nepal. Pakistan. The Philippines. Singapore. Sri Lanka. Thailand. Timor-Leste. Viet Nam.
9789220359280 9789220359297 (PDF)
Seguridad social--Asia