Evaluation of four Decades of Pension Privatization in Latin America, 1980-2020: promises and reality.

331.2520983 / M372e 2020i

Mesa-Lago, Carmelo, 1934-

Evaluation of four Decades of Pension Privatization in Latin America, 1980-2020: promises and reality. / Carmelo Mesa Lago; tr. Antonio Sarmiento. -- México: Fundación Friedrich Ebert, 2020. 248 p. : il.; 28 cm.

Título en español: Evaluación de cuatro décadas de privatización de pensiones en América Latina (1980-2020): Promesas y realidades.

Bibliografía p. 230-245.

I. Introduction. II. Public and private pension systems, structural reforms and re-reforms. III. The political economy of structural reforms and the social dialogue. 1. Authoritarian or Manipulative Regimes under a Quasi-Democratic Regime or an Incipient Democracy. 2 Democratic Regimes with some Manipulation and Varying Degrees of Social Dialogue. IV. Promises and reality of private pension systems. 1. EAP and older adult coverage. 2 Social solidarity and gender equity. 3 Sufficiency of benefits. 4 Effcient administration and reasoble costs. V. Pensions re rforms in latin american and their effets. A. Evaluation of the re-reforms in Argentina, Bolivia, Chile y El Salvador. C. Lessons for Brazil.

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Jubilaciones y pensiones --América Latina
Pensiones--Estudio de casos--América Latina