Institutional effects as determinants of leaning outcomes: exploring state variations in Mexico

Well-being and Social Policy, Vol. 3, No. 1, First semester 2007

Álvarez, Jesús

Institutional effects as determinants of leaning outcomes: exploring state variations in Mexico / Jesús Álvarez, Vicente García Moreno, Harry Anthony Patrinos. -- México: CISS: UIA, 2007. 47-68 p. : il.; 22 cm. - Semestral - Revista Well-being and Social Policy, Vol. 3, No. 1, First semester 2007 (Quality of education)

Well-being and social policy ,

Título en español. El efecto de factores institucionales como factor determinante de los resultados de aprendizaje: estudio de variaciones en los estados mexicanos.

Bibliografía p. 67-68.

We use the PISA 2003 student-level achievement database for Mexico to estimate state education production functions. Student characteristics, family background, home inputs, resources and institutions are controlled for. We take advantage of the state-level variation and representative sample to analyze the impact of institutional factors such as state accountability systems and the role of teachers unions on student achievement. Accountability, through increased use of state assessments, will improve learning outcomes. The paper also casts light on the role of teacher unions, namely their strength through appointments to the school and relations with state governments. It is shown that good relations between states and unions are important. Accountability systems are cost-effective measures for improving outcomes.

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Seguridad social--México--Publicaciones periódicas
Educación pública--Evaluación--México

García Moreno, Vicente,
Patrinos, Harry Anthony,

Conferencia Interamericana de Seguridad Social.
Universidad Iberoamericana. Ciudad de México.