Introduction (On the issues addressed by this issue of the journal)

REV WSP No. 15

Moreno Brid, Juan Carlos

Introduction (On the issues addressed by this issue of the journal) / Carlos Moreno. -- México: CISS: UIA, 2012. 1-2 p. ; 22 cm. - Semestral - Revista Well-being and Social Policy, Vol. 8, No. 2, Second semester 2012

Well-being and social policy ,

Título en español: Introducción (sobre los temas que aborda el presente número de la revista).

Micro and small-sized enterprises (MSE) have a central role in economic development in Latin America given their large contribution to employment generation, their share in the total number of firms and, to a lesser extent, their contribution to gross domestic product. Yet, their production is mainly oriented to the domestic market and they are characterized by an increasing productivity gap with large enterprises. This structural heterogeneity is one of the main reasons for profound social inequality in Latin America, since significant differences in productivity result in varied access to social benefit networks, professional development opportunities, and salaries and benefit s (CEPAL 2010).

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Seguridad social--México--Publicaciones periódicas
Seguridad social--Empleo--América Latina

Padilla Pérez, Ramón,

Conferencia Interamericana de Seguridad Social.
Universidad Iberoamericana. Ciudad de México.