Analysis of the use of financial services by companies in Mexico: What does the 2009 Economic Census tell us?

REV WSP No. 15

Castellanos, Sara G.

Analysis of the use of financial services by companies in Mexico: What does the 2009 Economic Census tell us? / Sara Castellanos, F. J. Morales, M. Torán. -- México: CISS: UIA, 2012. 3-45 p. : il.; 22 cm. - Semestral - Revista Well-being and Social Policy, Vol. 8, No. 2, Second semester 2012

Well-being and social policy ,

Título en español: Análisis del uso de servicios financieros por parte de las empresas en México: ¿Qué nos dice el Censo Económico 2009?.

Bibliografía p. 45.

We present a descriptive analysis of the results of Mexico's 2009 Economic Census regarding the use of bank credit and accounts by productive entities (companies). INEGI was requested to prepare a set of statistics regarding various company characteristics that are relevant to the decisions made by institutions offering banking services. Information was grouped according to company size and to different business segments we defined based on their access to credit and/or use of banking services. This enabled to establish the size of the markets for bank credit and bank accounts, as well as to identify the phenomena of "voluntary rationing" and "involuntary rationing" (Stiglitz and Weiss 1981). Potential markets for 2008 are 1.5 million companies for bank credit and of 1.1 million companies for bank accounts. Involuntary rationing mostly impacts smaller companies and is more pronounced in the context of the use of bank accounts than in that of credit.

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Seguridad social--México--Publicaciones periódicas
Seguridad social--Bancos de desarrollo--México--Crédito

Morales, F. Javier,
Torán, Mariana A.,

Conferencia Interamericana de Seguridad Social.
Universidad Iberoamericana. Ciudad de México.