Professor Emil Schoembaum
Revista CIESS, No. 7, junio 2004
Aguilar Díaz-Leal, Alberto
Professor Emil Schoembaum / Alberto Aguilar. -- México: CIESS, 2004. 115-138 p. ; 28 cm. - Semestral - Revista CIESS -- No. 7, junio 2004
Revista CIESS ,
Sección Pasado presente. Momentos de la seguridad social en América.
Official communication presenting the report of Professor Emil Schoenbaum to the Chairman of the National Welfare Institute of Ecuador 1941 - Financial and actuarial report on the draft of the 1949 legal report - Conference delivered by Schoenbaum on the subject: Observations on the method for the construction of actuarial balance sheets, September 30 1949, Mexico City - Report of Schoenbaum with respect to health protection and protection against unemployment of migrant workers, especially day workers known as "braceros" - Letter from Schoenbaum to Mr. Benito Coquet, Director General of the Mexican Social Security Institute, - Introduction to the memorandum.- Comments on the financial development of professional illness, maternity and professional risks insurances.
Biografía sobre Emil Schoenbaum, personaje destacado en la parte actuarial correspondiente al tema de la seguridad social, por lo que logró altos cargos en diversas instituciones de su país, como el de director general del Instituto General de Pensiones. Padre de la ley checoslovaca de 1924, donde se introduce el seguro de vejez, invalidez y sobrevivientes para los trabajadores manuales.
Biography of Emil Schoenbaum, highlighted in the actuarial part corresponding to the issue of social security character, so he managed to senior positions in various institutions of their country, as the general director of the General Pension Institute. Father of Czechoslovak law 1924, where old-age insurance, disability and survivors for manual workers is introduced.
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Schoembaum, Emil 1882-1967 --Alocuciones, ensayos, conferencias
Seguridad social--México--Publicaciones periódicas
Seguridad social--Historia--Biografia
Centro Interamericano de Estudios de Seguridad Social "Jesús Reyes Heroles". México.