Proposed amendments to the statute of the Interamerican Center for Social Security Studies
368.40631 / C238r 1984 V.7i
Conferencia Interamericana de Seguridad Social. Comité Permanente Interamericano de Seguridad Social. Reunión (28: Oaxtepec, Morelos, México : 27 al 29 de noviembre, 1984)
Proposed amendments to the statute of the Interamerican Center for Social Security Studies . -- Oaxtepec, Morelos, México: CIESS: CISS: IMSS, 1984. [42] h. ; 28 cm. (XXVIII/CPISS/OM84/ 6)
Título en español: Reformas al Estatuto del Centro Interamericano de Estudios de Seguridad Social
It was agreed by the CIESS' Board of Directors that a draft of the Amendments to the CIESS' Statute was carried out and was sent in a period of two months to the members of such Board of Directors, in order that they made their comments and remarks on the above-mentioned document. This document includes mainly the text of the Proposed Amendments to the Statute, besides the propositions of the Board of Directors, in order that they are consideres in CPISS' meeting...
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Centro Interamericano de Estudios de Seguridad Social "Jesús Reyes Heroles". México
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