Financing gap for universal social protection: global, regional and national estimates and strategies for creating fiscal space

368.4 / C368f 2024

Cattaneo, Umberto

Financing gap for universal social protection: global, regional and national estimates and strategies for creating fiscal space / Umberto Cattaneo, Helmut Schwarzer, Shahra Razavi, Andrea Visentin. -- Ginebra: OIT, 2024. 48 p. : il.; 28 cm. (ILO Working Paper 113)

Bibliografía p. 44-47.

1 Objectives and methodology. Financing gap to achieve universal coverage of the five social protection income guarantees. Beneficiary population. Benefit level. Financing gap for essential health care. 2 Financing gap estimates. National income groups and regions. The financing gap in old-age, by sex. The financing gap as a proportion of government and social protection expenditure. 3 Strategies to close the financing gap. Increasing tax revenues. Revenues from explicit and implicit fossil fuel subsidies. International climate financing mechanisms to build social protection floors. Extending social security finance by increasing contributory revenues. Eliminating illicit financial flows. Sovereign debt, foreign aid and international financing mechanisms. Conclusion. Annex. Financing gap for universal social protection as percentage of GDP. Financing gap for universal social protection as percentage of government expenditure. National poverty lines.

El estudio sostiene que alcanzar la protección social universal es fundamental para afrontar adecuadamente las consecuencias de la crisis climática, porque la protección social universal ayuda a reducir las vulnerabilidades y los choques climáticos. En este sentido, el documento señala que la financiación internacional para el clima puede ayudar a reforzar y adaptar los sistemas de protección social en los países de renta baja y media.

9789220406847 9789220406854 (PDF)

Seguridad social--Financiamiento

Schwarzer, Helmut,
Razavi, Shahra ,
Visentin, Andrea ,

Organización Internacional del Trabajo.