Analysis of benefits OASDI program 1960 amendments

368.40973 / E582as.50

E.U.A. Department of Health, Education and Welfare Social Security Administration

Analysis of benefits OASDI program 1960 amendments / John P. Jones and Marice C. Hart; pról. Robert J. Myers. -- Washington: SSA. Division of the Actuary, 1960. 58 p. ; 27 cm. (Actuarial study 50)

I Introduction. II The dermination of benefits. III Actuarial reduction for women. IV Provisions of the 1958 and 1960 amendments. V Level premium cost of individual benefits.

Old-Age and Survivors Insurance System--Estados Unidos
Seguridad social--Estados Unidos

Jones, John P., autor
Hart, Maricec C.,
Myers, Robert Julius, (1912-2010) pról.