An authoritarian regime: Spain

368.407 / C163sg 1975lja

Linz, Juan J. , 1926-2013

An authoritarian regime: Spain / Juan J. Linz. -- New York: The Free Press, 1970. [34 h.] ; 23 cm.

Material complementario para el "Seminario sobre grupos de presión y la seguridad social en América Latina", coordinado por Carmelo Mesa-Lago y organizado por el CIESS, llevado a cabo en México, D.F. en julio de 1975. Publicado en: Allardt, Erik; Rokkan, Stein, editores. "Mass politics". New York : The Free Press, 1970. p. 251-283.

Types of political systems - Definition of an authoritarian regime - Pluralism - Mentality versus ideology - Apathy versus mobilization - The authoritarian party - Forms of social control - The position of the military - Authoritarian regimes and Weber's types of legitimacy - Traditional and authoritarian regimes - The authoritarian elite - Stability and change: patterns of entry - Political pluralism in the elite of the Franco regime - .

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Centro Interamericano de Estudios de Seguridad Social "Jesús Reyes Heroles". México.