Estimated amount of life insurance in force as survivor benefits under OASI 1975-77

368.40973 / E582as.79

E.U.A. Department of Health, Education and Welfare Social Security Administration

Estimated amount of life insurance in force as survivor benefits under OASI 1975-77 / Kevin Wells; pról. Francisco Bayo. -- Washington: SSA. Office of the Actuary, 1978. [2] 17 p. ; 27 cm. (Actuarial study 79) - SSA Pub No. 79-11526 .

A Introduction. B Factors involved. C Methology. D Analysis of results. E Comparison with other life insurance protection. F Preliminary estimate for january 1, 1978.

Old-Age and Survivors Insurance--Estados Uidos
Seguridad social--Estados Unidos

Wells, Kevin,
Bayo, Francisco Roberto, pról.