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Response of social security systems to the covid-19 pandemic in the Americas, assessment of the first year of the emergency: the case of Trinidad and Tobago Crisna Cuchcatla Mendez; pref. Álvaro Velarca Hernández

By: Contributor(s): Material type: TextTextSeries: Covid-19 booklest | Cuadernos Covid-19 ; 7Publication details: México CISS NIB Helping Empowering Transforming Lives 2022Description: 73 p. il. 28 cmSubject(s): DDC classification:
  • 368.40970 21 C239cc.7
Online resources:
1. Trinidad and Tobago outlook. 2. Development of the covid-19 pandemic. 3. Response of the social security system. Health care. Old age. Invalidity. Survivors. Sickness. Maternity. Accidents at work and occupational diseases. Unemployment. Family and household benefits. 4. Other measures.
Item type: Recurso electrónico
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BIBLIOTECA CIESS Acervo Digital BIBLIOTECA CIESS Acervo Digital 368.40970 C239cc.7 1 Available ADISS2022-3452
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Título en español: La respuesta de los sistemas de seguridad social americanos a la pandemia de covid-19, balance a más de un año de la emergencia: El caso de Trinidad y Tobago.

Bibliografía p. 58-62.

1. Trinidad and Tobago outlook. 2. Development of the covid-19 pandemic. 3. Response of the social security system. Health care. Old age. Invalidity. Survivors. Sickness. Maternity. Accidents at work and occupational diseases. Unemployment. Family and household benefits. 4. Other measures.

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