TY - BOOK ED - Organización Internacional del Trabajo TI - Working from home: from invisibility to decent work SN - 9789220337103 U1 - 331.11 21 PY - 2021/// CY - Ginebra, Suiza PB - OIT KW - Teletrabajo KW - Aspectos legales KW - COVID-19 (Enfermedad) KW - Aspectos laborales N1 - Bibliografía p. 274-275; 1. Introduction. What is home work? What is home-based work? Gender and home work. The objective and structure of the report. 2. Measuring home work and home-based work. The difficulty of capturing home work in statistics. Identifying home-based work and home work in labour force surveys. Home-based workers around the world. Chapter 3. Home work in the production of goods: the putting-out system. The long and enduring history of home work. Contemporary industrial home work. A flexible form of production. 4. Home work in services: typists, turkers and teleworkers. Typists: Early home work in services. Turkers: Homeworking on digital labour platforms. Teleworkers. 5. Working conditions of homeworkers. Occupations and earnings. Earnings and hours. Working time. Work-life balance: Relations between the work and family spheres. Home work and child labour. Social protection. Organizing and representation. Occupational safety and health for homeworkers. 6. Legal protections for homeworkers. Occupational safety and health. Working time. Termination of employment. Social security and maternity protection. Access to training. 7. Towards decent work for homeworkers UR - https://www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/---ed_protect/---protrav/---travail/documents/publication/wcms_765806.pdf ER -