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Interamerican Center for Social Security Studies. Activities at CIESS 1993-1995

Por: Colaborador(es): Tipo de material: TextoTextoIdioma: Inglés Series XXXIX/CPISS/CIESS/MX.95 ; 4Detalles de publicación: México CISS 1995Descripción: 6 p. 28 cmTema(s): Clasificación CDD:
  • 368.40631 21 C238r 1995 V.3i
Recursos en línea: Resumen: «Two hundred and thirty seven academic activities held at headquarters gathered 4,414 participants from 29 countries. Said activities included new topics based on the new trends prevailing in the contemporary social security. Fifty four activities were not held at headquarters in 18 countries enabled us to embrace CISS' five subregions. Training was given to 2,201 participants. An outstanding matter is that in 1995, an event took place in Cuba for the first time. Therefore, the total amount of activities held was 291 and the amount of participants rose to 6,615.»
Tipo de ítem: Documento técnico
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BIBLIOTECA CIESS Acervo General BIBLIOTECA CIESS Acervo General 368.40631 C238r 1995 V.3i 1 Disponible 032711
BIBLIOTECA CIESS Acervo Digital BIBLIOTECA CIESS Acervo Digital 368.40631 C238r 1995 V.3i Ej.2 2 Disponible ADISS2025-5517
Total de reservas: 0

«Social security towards the XXI century» - En cubierta.

«Two hundred and thirty seven academic activities held at headquarters gathered 4,414 participants from 29 countries. Said activities included new topics based on the new trends prevailing in the contemporary social security. Fifty four activities were not held at headquarters in 18 countries enabled us to embrace CISS' five subregions. Training was given to 2,201 participants. An outstanding matter is that in 1995, an event took place in Cuba for the first time. Therefore, the total amount of activities held was 291 and the amount of participants rose to 6,615.»

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